

Traditional Men’s Haircuts

You can get a haircut anywhere in town. At Three Weeks you will find a master barber who understands and respects the art of barbering, and takes the time necessary to deliver a haircut that you want to come back for.

Note- I do not offer designs of any kind.

Traditional Haircut  $40/45min


 Boy’s Cuts

Boy’s 16 years and under need to look good too, and our men’s hair stylists know this. Applying the art of barbering to our younger clientele will leave them enjoying their haircut and looking forward to their next barbering experience, something that other downtown barbers can’t always deliver.

Note- I do not offer designs of any kind.

Haircuts for boys 16 and under $30/45min


Father and Son Haircuts

Father and son enjoy any bonding time and we would like to offer that with haircuts!

Note- I do not offer designs of any kind.

Father and Son (16 and under) $70/90min 


Beard Trims

Beard Trim and Shaping

Trimming and shaping of the facial hair.

Beard shape up $15/20min